《巅峰漂移》是由武汉迷萌基于 Cocos Creator 3D 研发的一款 3D 赛车漂移竞速微信小游戏。近日,Cocos 对《巅峰漂移》项目组进行了专访,疫情之下,武汉当地游戏 CP 现状如何?这么优质的 3D 小游戏创作工作流是怎样?又带…
Global Illumination
Range 范围:光从物体的中心发射的范围。仅适用于点光源和聚光灯。Spot Angle 聚光角度&a…
脚本生命周期 脚本代码使用技巧
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public class LifeCycle : MonoBehaviour
{public int a 100;//序列化字段 作用:在编辑器中显示…
庆祝一下Back in September 2010, the work of seven people was released for the first time at the Penny Arcade Expo. It was an indie game. People were impressed with the game’s initial presentation — so much so, in fact, that the game received awards from …
下面展示 Unity 行为树节点开发——A*移动控制。
using UnityEngine;
using Pathfinding;
using MR_LBS.Client.Unity3D;namespace BehaviorDesigner.Runtime.Tasks
{[TaskCategory("GC_CL")]public class PathFinding_Test : Action{public SharedFloat moveSpeed;…
Part 1 — Setup Strapi 第1部分-设置Strapi Part 2 — Create Remote Config 第2部分-创建远程配置 Part 3 — Calling API from Unity 第3部分-从Unity调用API “Note that this tutorial is done in Windows OS. For Linux you may need to make some changes and modificat…
涉足荒野scriptTelling stories, working with technology, and creating visuals that carry a consistent aesthetic. These traits apply to most fields in marketing, but they apply to another exciting and rapidly changing field; game development.讲故事࿰…
UWA Pipeline是一款面向游戏开发团队的本地协作平台,旨在为游戏开发团队搭建专属的DevOps研发交付流水线,支持可视化的CICD操作界面、高可用的自动化测试以及UWA性能保障服务的无缝贴合等实用功能。
此次UWA Pipeline 2.2.1版本的更新,新增项…
UWA Pipeline是一款面向游戏开发团队的本地协作平台,旨在为游戏开发团队搭建专属的DevOps研发交付流水线,提供可视化的CICD操作界面、高可用的自动化测试以及UWA性能保障服务的无缝贴合等实用功能。
本次UWA Pipeline迎来2.3.2版本的更新,主…
下面展示 自定义文本,自动写入Log日志。
using BehaviorDesigner.Runtime.Tasks.Movement;
using MR_LBS.Common;
using System.IO;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;public class AndroidLogHelper : MonoBehaviour{public static AndroidLogHelper ins…
AI Navigation导航系统 安装插件烘焙导航系统障碍物创建人物的AI导航动态障碍物 在unity编辑器中,有一个灰常好用的插件:Navigation。有了它1,你就可以实现人物自动走到你鼠标点击的位置,而且还会自动避开障碍物,下面就…
下面展示 Unity 行为树节点开发——角色动画状态控制。
using UnityEngine;
using MR_LBS.Client.Unity3D;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Pathfinding;
using MR_LBS.Common;
using System;
using Random UnityEngine.Random;namespac…
[ 探索这片土地的诗意 ]WAYFINDERAn art game that explores the poetry ofthe landWayfinder是一款生成艺术游戏,带领玩家探索、思考人类与自然的关系。玩家在森林、草原和沙滩上移动游戏角色,寻找点缀在风景中的诗意符号。激活后,它们会显示…
参考: Unity Asset Store上优质好用的47款插件 总结: 我比较推荐的几款插件 A* Pathfinding Project Pro - Asset Store Final IK - Asset Store 一个反向动力控制插件。相比较unity的自带IK系统,Final IK设置更加方便,用途更广。…
下面展示 宝箱掉落与产出。
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using DG.Tweening;
namespace MR_LBS.Client.Unity3D
{public class CardFall{private string sort;private int count;public string So…
我研究SpriteAtlas的Include in Build的作用将近一天了,实在是头大,然后也不知不觉把丢失的英语给捡起来了。。。
首先官方的介绍: https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/SpriteAtlasDistribution.html 中文意思:不勾选Include in Bu…
重点 (Top highlight)I can play a video game for just an hour these days and then stop. I have no problem asserting control over my gaming because I have more important obligations.这些天 我 只能玩一个小时的视频游戏,然后停下来。 坚持控制我的游戏没…
Coding Roblox Games Made Easy 作者:Zander B…
Beginning Game AI with Unity 页数:143页 作者:C…
发布:双人联机岛屿争夺游戏 Enemies in the dark 更新历史 20200302: 首次发布 20200303: 增加了"游戏理念"部分 这几天用Python写了一个双人联机岛屿争夺游戏 “Enemies in the dark”。编写游戏代码花了2天,调试bug、…
把需要合并的网格统一放置到一个父节点下: 合并网格代码如下:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;public class ChinarMergeMesh : MonoBehaviour
{void Start(){MergeMesh();}/// <summary>/// 合并网格/// &…
大噶猴,在预祝大噶中秋国庆双节快乐的同时,Cocos 也带来了 Creator 3D v1.2 介个船新版本,几需体验七天,里造会跟我一样,爱向这款引擎!好吧,说正经的,这次Creator 3D v1.2 带来了前所…
Part 1 — Setup Strapi 第1部分-设置Strapi Part 2 — Create Remote Config 第2部分-创建远程配置 Part 3 — Calling API from Unity 第3部分-从Unity调用API 📎 source code to this tutorial at githubgithub上本教程的源代码 In the previous part, we succe…
unity 进行build and run 时报错,The type name CSharpCodeProvider could not be found in the namespace Microsoft.CSharp. This type has been forwarded to assembly System.CodeDom, Version4.0.0.0, Cultureneutral, PublicKeyTokencc7b13ffcd2ddd51 Conside…
Part 4:Cocos2d-x开发实战-Cocos中的字符串、标签和菜单—17944人已学习 课程介绍 介绍了Cocos2d-x文字和菜单相关知识,首选我们介绍了Cocos2d-x中的字符串,其中包括const char*、std::string和cocos2d::__String。在文字部分我们介绍了标…
C api获取内存: https://blog.csdn.net/zvall/article/details/51868629 参看源代码,LUA_GCCOUNT时,得到的是以kb为单位的lua的内存;LUA_GCCOUNTB时,获取的是内存对1024求余后的值。所以两者加起来才是lua真正的内存。…
Cocos Store 6月年中大促经过5.1的狂嗨之后,有不少开发者向晓衡打听6.1儿童、6.18购物节活动。经过 Store 运营组与 Store 卖家沟通之后,我们准备玩一场大的...Cocos Store 6月大促节大量精品资源6折起!活动时间:5月30日 00:00 ~ …
原文标题:10 Reasons Why Programmers Are More Fun to Date
您想找个人谈恋爱,但一直遇不到合适的。 每次与人约会,彼此都不来电。如果是这样的话,我要问问,您曾经尝试过与程序员约会吗?
在vs上写了一个俄罗斯方块的小游戏,输出画面就靠windows.h 下面上代码。 首先写一个坐标类,方便后面的操作
#ifndef POINT_H
#define POINT_H
class Point
public:Point(int x 0, int y 0) : m_x(x), m_y(y){};~Point() {};Point& ope…
using DG.Tweening; using System; using System.Collections; using System.…
开发编码格式As a game enthusiast and a beginner programmer, I always wonder what it would be like to develop a game?作为游戏发烧友和初学者程序员,我总是想知道开发一款游戏会是什么样? What really grabs my attention is, how the game is d…
pygame入门PyGame is a Python wrapper for the SDL library. SDL is a cross-platform library for accessing computer multimedia hardware components (sound, video, input, etc.). SDL is an extremely powerful tool for building all kinds of things, but it’s writt…
Cocos Store 5.1大促赠礼名单公布2022 Cocos Store劳动节感恩回馈大促赠礼活动,再破新高!这一年来,有不少新入住Store的伙伴们,能真实感受到『技术精进,副业变现』不是一句空话,在此感谢长期在社区中创作、…
后台控制游戏开关There’s always seems to be something on sale in the Nintendo Switch eShop. Unfortunately, utilizing the shop itself to search for deals that are actually new is extremely painful. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again: the Nintendo…
亚泰史诗游戏攻略This appeared in The Millennial Source这出现在千禧年的来源 Apple Inc. has come under increasing fire in the last few months over the policies of its iOS App Store, which some developers claim breaches antitrust rules and stifles competitio…
原文标题:Mobile gaming is a 68.5Billion USD global business, and investors are buying in
到2019年底,全球游戏市场估计价值将达到1520亿美元,其中45%(685亿美元)直接来自手机游戏。 伴随着这一巨大的…
原文标题:Dear Devs, 7 Reasons why your Game may need Audio Middleware 开发者们,您需要音频中间件的7个理由
市场上有几种音频中间件程序。 您可能听说过两个主要参与者:Fmod和Wwise。 两者都为小型预算游戏提供免费许可证,为…
原文标题:6 Ways Machine Learning will be used in Game Development
机器学习正在改变几乎每个行业,从农业中的作物规划到医疗保健中的癌症诊断。 这些主题通常会得到更广泛的讨论,因为它们已经产生了切实的,对人类有益的影响。…
csdn怎么让代码变得好看Since the revitalization of the video game marketplace following the crash of 1983, gaming has become an integral piece of the cultural zeitgeist. In case you mistake this statement for unnecessary hyperbole, I invite you to consider …
As crossplay unifies player communities, gaming hardware differences are less relevant than ever. The walls are breaking down, all paths now lead to the same destination, and games are better for it.由于交叉游戏统一了玩家社区,因此游戏硬件差异变得…
Part 5:Cocos2d-x开发实战-Cocos中精灵—10324人已学习 课程介绍 介绍了Cocos2d-x中的精灵相关知识和如何创建精灵对象。此外,还介绍了精灵的性能优化,性能优化方式包括了:使用精灵表和使用精灵帧缓存。课程收益讲师介绍关东升…
Part 1:基础语言-Cocos2d-x手机游戏开发之C语言基础—60642人已学习 课程介绍 本套Cocos2d-x视频教程采用的编程语言为C语言,本教程为专门针对想学习Cocos游戏开发,而没有语言基础的同学而制作的一门C基础课程。课程收益讲师介绍关东升
饥饿游戏多少字重点 (Top highlight)The fourth installment of the most influential Young Adult dystopia of the 21st century showed up right on time. The original Hunger Games trilogy, written by Suzanne Collins, has sold tens of millions of copies and spawne…
英特尔isa架构Ever since Apple announced they are switching to their own Apple chips with the ARM instruction set I have spent time trying to develop some educated guesses about the future.自从苹果公司宣布他们将使用ARM指令集转向他们自己的苹果芯片以来&#x…
UWA Pipeline在不久之前迎来了2.2.1版本的大更新,主要功能可见《UWA Pipeline 新功能|构建分析、自动化测试支持iOS平台》,为了协助大家能更好地了解新增功能的使用方法和作用,我们准备了这份更新说明,方便大家可以按图…
Mail GPU Counter模块自上线后受到了广泛好评,已经有不少项目通过查看GPU着色和带宽信息,定位到GPU的高压场景和性能瓶颈。基于GPU优化越来越强烈的需求,UWA在新版本测评报告中新增的了几项重要参数,以便开发者对项目的GPU压力进行…
全球领先的数字资产管理与DevSecOps工具厂商Perforce联合中国授权合作伙伴龙智举办的Perforce on Tour网络研讨会将于2月28日下午2:00举行。
本次研讨会以“赋能‘大’研发,助力‘快’交付”为主题,龙智董事长何明、Perforce高级顾问Robert Cowham&…
UWA DAY大会的支持者们,大家好! 由于近期多地陆续出现新冠病例,为确保参会人员的健康安全,支持政府的防疫措施,主办方决定UWA DAY 2021 技术大会将延期举办,最新举办时间为12月4日、5日(周六、日…
下面展示 Unity 行为树节点开发——近战目标检测控制。
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Linq;
using MR_LBS.Client.Unity3D;
using Pathfinding;
using MR_LBS.Common;namespace BehaviorDesigner.Runtime.Tasks.Movement…
(原作者:)Written by Laura E. Shummon Maass and Andy Luc
下面展示一些 相机旋转、缩放、拖动、抖动等控制。
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using HedgehogTeam.EasyTouch;
using MR_LBS.Client.Unity3D;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;/**** 相机移动旋转* **/
public class C…
下面展示 游戏角色技能系统。
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;namespace MR_LBS.Client.Unity3D
{public enum SkillType : int{Unknown,Attack,Defense}public class Skill{string name;int damage;int level;float coldTim…
Lecture 01 Overview of Computer Graphics
Lecture 02 Review of Linear Algebra
一、Vector Multiplication
(一)、Dot(scalar) Product
1、The Basic Definition of The Dot Product The basic de…
【深入浅出强化学习-原理入门】1 基于gym的MDPwindows版本强化学习gym找金币游戏
import logging #日志模块
import numpy
import random
from gym import spaces
import gymlogging logging.getLogger(__name__)# Set this in SOME …
使用c#制作打字游戏Chapter III in the series of tutorials on how to build a game from scratch with TypeScript and native browser APIs本系列教程的第三章,介绍如何使用TypeScript和本机浏览器API从头开始构建游戏 Welcome to part 4 of the Chapter III “…
抽奖动画Our brand refresh last December ushered in a completely new set of colours, illustration guidelines, and a brand new fully animated logo. The re-design captured Synthesis’ human-centred approach to data science, as represented by the animated logo…
Data structures 1_23
simple, never grows and don’t fragment the memorythe elements lie continuously in the memory, make traversal very cache friendlyis good when: have limited memory or if dynamic memory is impossible, and we know how…
电脑成品图 图文教程
在顶视图中创建一个长方体,参数如图所示 02
点击鼠标右键转换为可编辑多边形,如图所示 03
进入修改面板,选择顶点层级,选中视图所示的点,如图所示 步骤一&…
文章目录 准备代码实现实现效果 准备
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using UnityEngine;public class CreateGround : MonoBehaviour
{[SerializeField]public i…
UWA Pipeline是一款面向游戏开发团队的本地协作平台,旨在为游戏开发团队搭建专属的DevOps研发交付流水线,提供可视化的CICD操作界面、高可用的自动化测试以及UWA性能保障服务的无缝贴合等实用功能。
本周,我们迎来了全新的UWA Pipeline 2.6.…
下面展示 Unity 行为树节点开发——远程目标检测控制。
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Linq;
using Pathfinding;
using MR_LBS.Common;
using MR_LBS.Client.Unity3D;namespace BehaviorDesigner.Runtime.Tasks.Movement…
下面展示一些 MMORPG类游戏引导系统逻辑代码。
using LitJson;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;class GuideController : MonoBehaviour{public static GuideController instance;public List<Game…
前言最近我用 C 写了一个游戏引擎,并用该引擎开发了一个名为 Hop Out 的小型手游。先来看看实际运行效果:(译者注 这里本来有个小视频,放到附件里了,感兴趣的朋友请下载观看,文件不到4MB。)Hop Out 是一款类似复古街机…
I’ve been testing software for a long time. In fact, my first job was as a tester. In an industry where it evolves faster than what it is possible to keep up with, I wouldn’t consider myself — or anyone as a matter of fact — as a master in software tes…
游戏屏幕外渲染黑屏While I was capturing some game footage from Zelda II, I noticed a strange little glitch. I was in a tunnel while fighting an ax-wielding red Daira, and part of a slime flickered on the left of the screen. When I moved forward, I saw ther…
error loading module logic.mission.handle from file ./src/logic/mission/handle.lua:./src/logic/mission/handle.lua:682: too many C levels (limit is…
Have you ever heard of a kaizo game? The concept is pretty straightforward. Players take an existing game — including its assets, like character sprites — and “remix” them to build eye-wateringly difficult levels. There’s a whole culture around kaizo…
ai杀手级On July 1, Crayta, a game that allows people to collaborate on making other games, exclusively launched on Google Stadia. It brought with it the first beta of the platform’s State Share feature. First announced in March 2019, State Share promised …